Alameda County is one of the most diverse counties in the United States. Demographic and other information about Alameda County’s older adults may be found in Resources for Policy & Planning.
The Council for Age Friendly Communities is developing Issue Guides on a number of topics of special concern on aging in Alameda County.
Do you know...

- By 2030, 1 in 5 Californians will be 65 or older
- Most older adults do not eventually become disabled: most commonly they remain physically, mentally, and socially active;
- 33% of seniors in Fremont volunteer in some capacity
- Half of single older adults in Alameda County can’t cover basic living expenses

- According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, Alameda County has 165,000 family caregivers, 57% of whom suffer from social isolation and 92% of whom report having more stress than they can handle; and because baby boomers are often unmarried and without children, there will be fewer caregivers as demand increases
- One in six older adults in California lacks reliable access to enough affordable, nutritious food

- Individuals 65 and older have the highest rate of suicide deaths: 1 in 4 older adults who attempt suicide die, versus 1 in 200 younger persons
- Alameda County’s Adult Protective Services Department receives more than 6,000 reports of elder abuse every year
- Effective interventions exist to prevent and treat Isolation and disability