Age Friendly Council

Understanding Internet Connection Needs in Alameda County:
From April 2021 to March 2022, the Age-Friendly Council circulated a brief survey of older adults that live in our County. The survey looked for gaps in access to the internet and electronic devices, and the need for educational support to use those devices.
We heard from residents from across the County who are aged 50 and over, especially those who lack access. The report materials and recommendations are available on the survey page. #digitalinclusion #agefriendly

Alameda County Council for Age Friendly Communities

The Alameda County Council for Age Friendly Communities coordinates efforts to effect policy and system changes that enhance the overall well-being of older adults who live in Alameda County, engaging leaders, consumers, and providers to develop and sustain a community framework that fosters healthy aging. The Council is a forum for expanding resources, services, and access to services and increasing collaboration among many stakeholders, including County departments, cities, and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). 

Vision Statement: "In Alameda County, older adults are valued, respected, and engaged in a community that is committed to healthy aging, inclusion, well-being and safety. Older adults, family caregivers, and seniors with disabilities have access to a comprehensive system of services, supports and opportunities that foster aging with dignity, a high quality of life and personal fulfillment."

The Council meets monthly. Council members are invited by the leadership of the Alameda County Social Services Agency and the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. Standing committees on Legislation and Advocacy and Age Friendly Communities advance the Council’s work through monthly meetings.

Age Friendly Flower

The Age Friendly Council’s workplan draws in large part on the 2016-20 Countywide Plan for Older Adults, which the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) creates every four years with oversight from the Advisory Commission on Aging. The AAA is now collaborating with the Council in the creation of the plan for 2021-25.

  1. Identify and advance housing solutions for seniors
  2. Develop and promote "Embracing Aging" training curriculum
  3. Support inclusion of the voice of older adults in significant initiatives, starting with AC Care Connect 
  4. Promote data collection and reporting on older adults, starting with AC Care Connect
  5. Pursue WHO designation as an Age Friendly County
  6. Promote Age Friendly to cities
  7. Join forces on legislative advocacy
  8. Create backgrounders on key age-friendly topics, incorporating available data
  9. Work with All In to reduce food insecurity for seniors
  10. Build awareness around key issues
