What is the initiative?
- Embracing Aging is a workforce development effort initiated by the Alameda County Council for Age-Friendly Communities.
- It is a partnership with UCSF’s Department of Geriatrics’ Optimizing Aging Collaborative, which will provide much of the curriculum and training for the first few years.
- Its purpose is to equip workers to meet the needs of older adults across varied service delivery settings.
- Its goal is to ensure baseline knowledge about aging so that staff who serve older adults are competent to provide sensitive, equitable, and high quality services.
Why is it important?
- Alameda County’s population is aging. In 2016 about 12% of county residents were age 65+; in 15 years over 20% of the population will be 65+.
- Encountering individuals who are older, and who may have unique needs associated with age, is becoming more and more common across all sectors of business and public systems; basic competency in working with older adults is increasingly essential.
Who is it for?
- UCSF can customize trainings to match the workforce needs of County staff, cities, community-based organizations (CBOs), and other key public partners across professional skill sets and service delivery models.
About the Alameda County Council for Age-Friendly Communities
The Council is jointly convened by Alameda County’s Social Services and Health Care Services Agencies. It is a coalition of many stakeholders, including County departments, cities, and CBOs. The Council works to effect policy and system changes that enhance the health and social well-being of older residents of Alameda County.
How to Access Trainings
Training curriculum, current available trainings, and how to register